should i get extended warranty on car
should i get extended warranty on car
should i get extended warranty on car

Then, when they get on the field, the service advisor starts recommending unnecessary work.
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If the warranty seems like far too many charges on the day of purchase of the car, remember that it will only get more expensive as time expired.

This is not to a situation that you'll want to see you because you would then be completely responsible for everything.

Some may believe they will never need the warranty or that it is simply more expensive than it is worth.

But the cost of obtaining a new vehicle can far out weigh the cost of keeping their car last current model and essentially buy a reliable extended auto warranty just in case of a transmission problem or the engine.

Sometimes the security that is sold at dealerships will be called a factory warranty. You should also be aware of the third party guarantees that can save money, but are much less convenient to use.